Many men (and sometimes women who do not even have theoretical knowledge about sex) are concerned about the question - where is the mysterious G-spot? How to stimulate it, where to look? How to massage the G-spot? Let's talk!

Where is the G spot
The G-spot exists in every woman's body, so you shouldn't confidently talk about your partner's frigidity if you can't find the right stimulation technique. Where is the G-spot? On the front wall of the vagina, at a distance of about five centimeters from the entrance.
But the diameter of the G-spot itself is no more than a few millimeters, but even this is enough to give a woman truly unearthly pleasure (if you know how to do it). G-spot stimulation during caressing or intercourse is almost the only guarantee of achieving an orgasm.
At the same time, the rest, most of the vagina does not react at all to the movement of the penis inside.
It is too early to be disappointed in yourself, considering yourself an anorgastic woman, just because your partner cannot give you pleasure. There are no naturally frigid women, there are simply insufficiently qualified men, or simply psychological rigidity, fear and elementary rigidity. Sometimes it's enough to just relax and start having real fun, nothing else is needed.
g-spot massage
How to massage the G-spot? If both partners have little experience in this matter, you should prepare a little.
First of all, the girl must definitely go to the toilet and get rid of the contents of the bladder, as stimulation of the G-spot can cause an acute desire to run there in the first few seconds.
However, this quickly passes, and some unpleasant sensations are replaced by unreal excitement.
A man should not immediately rush out and take the necessary bastion by storm, a body unprepared for intimate caresses may not react correctly. It is important to relax the partner before the start of caresses, tune in the right way, provoke sensual reactions. Erotic massage on the back, buttocks and thighs is perfect for this purpose.
How to find the G-spot when the girl is ready to go? Place one or two fingers in the vagina and move about two to six centimeters, sliding along the anterior wall (which is closest to the pubis). The girl herself must tell the guy exactly where she feels a special sensation.
You can complement the G-spot massage with light and gentle stimulation of the clitoris - the partner will have an orgasm faster and sharper.
Do men have a G spot?
Yes, the G-spot exists in men, it is located directly on the prostate. Some men are happy to expose their ass to their partner, knowing the crazy pleasure that stimulation of the G-spot, located "inside", can give.
Some are categorically shy of such caresses. The only requirement for a partner is the minimum length of nails and very well-groomed edges, because this sensitive area is very easy to damage.
If everything is done correctly, men achieve an orgasm beyond compare with G-spot stimulation.

9 facts about the male orgasm, or the G-spot in men

If onefemale orgasm- this is a riddle and an irrational equation, so the masculine is a collection of funny anecdotes and amusing statistics. To which we open our eyes today.

It takes a man two to five minutes to reach orgasm. Women - about 15 minutes. Now we know where the legs of all the evil in the world grow!
How many in centimeters?
During sexual intercourse, you produce approximately 10 cubic centimeters of semen. Thus, in his entire lifetime, the average man emits so much seminal fluid that he can fill a five-liter flask 13 times. How much will it cost in cubic centimeters, consider for yourself.
Men also have a g spot.
Three, to be exact. First G-spot (ji): frenulum of the penis, perineum (the area between the testicles and the anus), and the prostate. Just don't tell your partner or she will start looking for them. By the way, the G-spot was also named after a man - Dr. Ernst Grafenberg.
Turn up the volume!

Your orgasm depends more on your partner's vocal data. She doesn't have to be a prima opera at all, everything is simpler: the more sounds a woman makes during sex, the more her chances of getting pleasure increase. Studies have shown: with a screaming partner, a man will have an orgasm in 59% of cases, with a silent one - in 2%.
Faster, even faster
The average speed of sperm during ejaculation is 12 meters per second. This exceeds the running speeds of the best athletes in the world.
Dead men are men too

To experience an orgasm, a man needs stimulation of the sacral nerves in the spine. If they receive enough oxygen and impulses, the dead body will practically come to life. However, this is by no means a guide to action.
Men can experience multiple orgasms in a row
There are also disadvantages here - for this you need to practice for some time, and orgasms are "dry" (that is, without the release of sperm). To learn this technique, you need to be able to control ejaculation and learn some simple exercises.
Why do you want to sleep after sex?

During orgasm, the hormone oxytocin enters the bloodstream. The male body absorbs it faster - in about five minutes. The female body needs about half an hour. In both sexes, this causes different reactions - you start to want to sleep, and she - to hug and talk. What this leads to, we all know.
Orgasm can cure hiccups
A case has been recorded in London, where a man was only able to stop chronic hiccups by sleeping with his wife.
G - point on men for maximum satisfaction:
Probably, there is no such man who has not heard about the female G-spot. This is a place in the body that can give true happiness. And what can be said about representatives of the stronger sex? G-spot in men, also leading to an unforgettable orgasm.
A woman should not forget about her during intercourse. G is a point in men, the existence of which must be taken into account by every good mistress.
This erogenous zone is a secret place on the body, where gentle touches lead to total delight.
G - point on man's body, giving pleasure
So, in more detail. Where is the G-spot in men and what is it? It's actually the prostate. That is, G is the point in men, located under the bladder, between the testicles and the anus. You should not be afraid of such anatomical details. All shyness and rigidity are softened, because the partner feels a lot of pleasure.

adequate stimulation
Knowing where the G-spot is in men is not enough. You need to be able to properly stimulate him. For example, it's best to perform oral sex on top of your partner with your back to his face. This pose frees up the hands.
Therefore, it is very easy to get to the cherished place. At that moment, when the orgasm is already close, it is necessary to start rhythmically pressing on the G-spot. The main thing is not to run away from the rhythm, making one click per second.
Orgasm will be much brighter than ever.
sensations in the heights
In a word, G is a point in men, stimulating which you can achieve excellent results. In addition, the partner will receive incredible sensations if the woman offers him a bold experiment. For example, you can try to convince a man to insert a special sex toy into his anus. Sort of like anal beads.
Inside they need to be during the entire sexual intercourse. In this case, the stimulation must be constant. She will be stronger inside. With the onset of orgasm, the balls must be taken out one by one, without missing the rhythm of the partner's movements. Man will be in seventh heaven with happiness.
And the woman will receive the well-deserved title of the most chic lover.

Myth or reality?
Ernst Gräfenberg, a German gynecologist, was the first to state where the G-spot is located in men. About sixty years ago, he suggested that in the body of every person there is a bundle of nerves, the stimulation of which leads to vivid orgasms.
Since then, many have been looking for erogenous zones. Recently, however, a serious study was carried out in London. For this, scientists collected 900 pairs of twins.
Naturally, the gene pool in twins must be the same. That is, the G-spot must be present or absent for both. But doctors did not find such a match.
To date, this study has become the most "scientific" in this area.

But most people are firmly convinced that there is still a hidden G-spot in men. How to find it and how to stimulate it, say sexologists. And everything is extremely simple.
An important role in a man's orgasm and arousal is played by the prostate gland. Due to its location, it fixes an erection.
And there is an orgasm, as you know, in the form of two successive stages - emission and ejaculation. During emission, the fluid forming the seed is excreted in the so-called mixer - in the prostatic urethra. Preparing to shoot. To facilitate this task, the prostate and other organs eject fluid in a series of contractions.
That is, they work like powerful nozzles. At the same time, fresh sperm move into the combustion chamber through the vas deferens. The prostate is reduced by strong spasms at this stage for two to three seconds. At this time, the man feels great pleasure.
Such a moment is called by sexologists the moment of inevitability of ejaculation.
The second stage of orgasm is the contraction of the sphincter muscle. Residual pathways from seed to bladder are cut. A series of muscle contractions brings the seed to completion.
The male G-spot has a lot in common with the female one. They develop from the same embryonic tissue. Both produce ejaculation. Stimulating the prostate can be both external and internal ways.
For internal stimulation, the woman needs to gently insert a lubricated finger into the anus and press towards the pubis. The partner will feel a round, hard lump the size of a chestnut or walnut.
You need to press it.
For external stimulation, it is necessary to press the pad of the thumb on the perineum. Whether you like the effect is, of course, a personal matter for everyone. Some men get pleasure only in a state of arousal. Some feel almost nothing. And someone claims that stimulation of the prostate helps to maintain an erection.
By the way, ancient Chinese manuscripts describe a similar technique designed specifically to delay ejaculation. The only difference is that the man did it himself. He pressed on the perineum before ejaculating with his middle and index fingers for three seconds. Presumably, this procedure made it possible to delay ejaculation, but not orgasm.

In a word, knowing where the male G-spot is is very important for any woman. In this case, she will be able to deliver unforgettable pleasure to her partner.
G-spot in men: where is it located and how to stimulate it
If in women it is a point inside the vagina, in men this sensitive area is located between the bladder and the rectum. So you can play it from the outside or from the inside.
Options for finding the G-spot:
- Outside. It is necessary for the man to be in the position of all fours or lying on his back, raising his legs. In this case, it is necessary to feel a convex area in the perineal region. The point is between the anus and the scrotum. Try to press on this area with your finger. You will feel a squeeze. This is the estimated point.
- Interior. To do this, you will have to persuade your partner to stick your finger in the anus. A woman should not forget about lubrication. With long, extended nails, it is better not to get into the rectum so as not to scratch your lover. At a depth of 4-5 cm in the wall, which is closer to the stomach, there is a point. It is necessary to carry out light circular movements or pressure. You will feel something like a chestnut or a nut.

G-spot in men - where is it located and what is it: location, diagram
The curiosity is the fact that many young people do not know where the G-spot is located in men, and some are even completely unaware of its existence.
Although the male genital organ is located outside, the location of the G-spot in men is very curious - it is hidden in the depths of the pelvis between the pubic bones and the rectum, where the ligaments firmly fix it. This zone is the link between a young man's reproductive and urinary systems.
The Ji point is pierced by veins and arteries, closely linked to vessels located directly in the male genital organ. In its shape, it resembles a chestnut or walnut. This area grows up to 20 years old, weighs 20 g and occupies an area of no more than 4 square meters. see Finding it is difficult as it is located in the upper part of the urethra below the bladder.
It is precisely because of the isolation of the place where the G-spot is located in men that people doubt whether it is worth studying.
A stereotype has firmly settled in their heads that only connoisseurs of same-sex love give access to the anus.
Also, many men are very reluctant to agree to such an experiment, because they are afraid of experiencing unpleasant sensations or simply do not want to discuss it with their partner.
Erotic massage and G-spot stimulation in men: options, video
There are several options for G-spot stimulation in men. Everything described below is for open, not shy women. Having done such manipulations, you will earn the title of the best lover.
Stimulation options:
- During sex. The ideal option would be the "knight" pose, when the girl sits on a horse. In that case, you need to sit with your back to your partner. During rubbing, you need to massage the area between the scrotum and anus with your finger. The pressure should be rhythmic, but not strong.
- The second option involves internal penetration. It can be done with your finger or with toys that can be purchased on Aliexpress. To do this, you can massage the anus with your finger, lubricating it with a water-based lubricant. Then you need to insert your finger and massage the tubercle in a circular motion, which you will feel at a depth of 4-5 cm from the entrance.
- The third option involves massaging the point during oral sex. You can lick the head, do not forget about the testicles and scrotum. You can massage the G-spot with your tongue or your fingers. With simultaneous stimulation of the penis and the G-spot, you can bring a man to orgasm very quickly. You can touch the penis with your palm and press the G-spot with your tongue. It is located between the anus and the scrotum. You need to push hard enough.
The main thing is to persuade the partner and convince him that penetration into the anus has nothing to do with a non-traditional orientation. Men because of stereotypes refuse pleasure.
Of course, it's easier to massage from the outside, but it's hard to get to the point that way. However, some men may experience pain.
Therefore, the pressure should be rhythmic, but not harsh.
The easiest way to do this finger massage. But you can also buy an anal stimulator. For men, there are stimulators with vibration. They can be straight and "herringbone". It is a ball stimulator that resembles a Christmas tree, made up of several balls connected together. In this case, the balls can be of different diameters.

Stimulant options for male erotic massage:
- Massager on the control panel. This is an anal plug with a built-in motor. There are several buttons on the remote control, when pressed, the stimulator is activated. A stopper is inserted using water lubrication. It is possible to have sex with this stimulant at the same time.
- Cork with a ring. This is an anal stimulator, which is a dual design consisting of a plug and a ring. The ring is placed on the penis and the plug is inserted into the anus. During an erection, the member lengthens and the ring tightens. This contraction increases sexual arousal.
- Magic wonder. This device was previously used as a back massager. Later, women started using it to stimulate the clitoris. Now manufacturers offer a lot of options for men. This magic wand can be used to externally stimulate the area between the scrotum and anus. To do this, the head of the device is applied to a sensitive place and vibration is activated. You can also buy nipples in the form of fingers or ears. They are placed on the head of the device and vibrate when turned on. These nozzles are used for internal G-spot stimulation.
- You can buy prostate massagers from the Aliexpress catalog here.
Erotic massage and G-spot stimulation for men
Finding a precious place on a lover's body is not enough. It is also important to master the correct stimulation of the G-spot in men.
There are two ways:
- External. To do this, lightly press or press on the erogenous zone located in the space between the scrotum and anus. Manipulations are best done with the thumb and forefinger, after slightly rubbing the pressure area. When a man is excited, the sensitivity of the Ji point increases; therefore, when pressed hard, it is likely to interfere with ejaculation. Move carefully and smoothly. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the partner's reaction. If you see that the process does not bring you pleasure, it is better to immediately stop the procedure.
- Interior. This method will give the guy vivid and unforgettable emotions, but many young people do not agree with this, believing that the girl will understand this as a manifestation of a penchant for unconventional love. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the woman gently inserts her finger into the partner's anus, then carefully looks for a small bump and begins to stimulate it. In this case, sharp and strong movements should be avoided. Every action should be smooth and smooth. To avoid possible injuries and damage, hands are lubricated with a special lubricant. It is more convenient for a girl to carry out internal stimulation, being in the "back to front rider" position. In this position, her hands remain free, which allows her to freely massage the G-wish. The pressure amplitude should not exceed one movement per second. Thanks to this man, a bright, unforgettable peak of pleasure is provided.
If the partners decided to try the secrets of stimulating the cherished point in a man, to get the most vivid sensations, they need to properly prepare for the process:
- First you need to prepare the man himself. Ideally, he needs to clean the rectum with an enema or laxative. This will give the intimate massage a more attractive appearance.
- Before finding a man's G-spot, partners need to gain complete confidence, otherwise the young man will not be able to relax, as a result of which stimulation will not bring any pleasure. On the contrary, it is very likely that the girl's movements will give her only unpleasant and painful sensations.
- The girl needs to prepare her hands: take a long manicure, make sure that they are smooth and soft, otherwise you can inadvertently injure the inner mucosa, which will lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the body.
- Compliance with hygiene rules is strict. Wash your hands thoroughly or wear disposable medical gloves. It also doesn't hurt to use a special lubricant. After stimulation, you should not touch the male or female genitals, as microorganisms remain on the skin that can provoke the development of the inflammatory process.
- It doesn't hurt to give your partner an erotic massage, starting with the head and ending with the buttocks. This will allow the guy to relax and get the most out of the process of exploring his body.
- A man needs to choose the most comfortable position for him. The position on the back is best for this, and the girl is between his legs.
- Movements should be weak, but rhythmic. You need to continue until the guy feels the brightest orgasm. It is important to observe your partner's reaction.
- The search for the place where the male G-spot is located should begin shortly before the onset of orgasm. Otherwise, the lady risks killing the sexual spirit and discouraging the desire to do this even more.
How to massage the G-spot
Proper stimulation is light, rhythmic pressure, side-to-side movements, or gentle circular manipulations. But don't turn it into a stuck button. The process should be enjoyable and not make the guy toss and turn in pain.
G-spot massage on a man can shorten the duration of the refractory phase. After that, the traditional time to restore an erection is reduced from 40 to 60 minutes for an almost instantaneous appearance.
Lubricant is a special lubricant, often water-based. When stimulating the male G-spot, there should be a lot of it. A specialist lubricant with lidocaine is most suitable. It is specifically used for anal sex.
With the help of the substance, the unpleasant sensations that characterize such caresses are reduced. But it is worth remembering that the pain reliever begins to act only 10-15 minutes after applying the lubricant, so there is no need to rush.
To cause less discomfort to the partner when inserting the finger into the anus, it should not just be pushed in, but gently and slowly screwed in. These movements gently spread the folds of skin that frame the anus and reduce discomfort. This word must simply be remembered so that the pleasure of stimulation is maximized.
In men, the G-spot is a zone with the help of which stimulation can achieve incredible results. If you convince a guy to insert a special sex toy into his anus, the effect will be amazing.
To begin with, you can use anal beads. They must be inside during all intimacy. After the onset of orgasm, they must be taken out one at a time, but do not run away from the rhythm of the guy's movements.
It will bring you fantastic pleasure.
Hands must be thoroughly washed before and after the procedure to avoid infection with infectious diseases. In addition, it should be remembered that when a lady's finger explores the most hidden places on the male body, it is better to keep it away from Organs genitals due to the very aggressive attitude of the intestinal microflora towards the human genitals.
Some sexologists compare the main male erogenous zone with the female one, as their proper stimulation leads to unforgettable pleasure. Although it is easier to find the G-spot in young men than in girls, the problem lies in its very isolated location. But if the young lady manages to persuade her partner to such a bold experiment, then the title of great lover is guaranteed to her.
Men should not be afraid, let alone refuse such an experience. There's nothing shameful about that. This is a natural desire to get maximum pleasure. And a woman will be happy to give her beloved sensations that he has never experienced before.